
Contact Us

For more information about Camp Kandalore, please connect with one of our knowledgeable staff in one of the following ways. We can arrange for accessible feedback and alternate format upon request.

(416) 322-9735

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Toronto Office & Mailing Address

181 Carlaw Avenue
Suite #270
Toronto, ON M4M 2S1

(416) 322-9735

Head Office & Billing Address

540 Lakeshore Road West
Oakville, ON, L6K 3P1

(905) 845-4681

Camp Kandalore recognizes that its work takes place on traditional, ancestral land that has been inhabited by Indigenous people for thousands of years. We are located on Treaty 20 territory, known as the Williams Treaties First Nations: Curve Lake, Rama, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Beausoleil and Georgina Island First Nations.

Kandalore canoe trips also travel through many traditional Indigenous territories across the provinces, predominantly through Treaty 9, Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

We respect their past, present, and future generations, the land, and their traditions. We are grateful for the opportunity to gather, learn, and travel on these lands and waterways.